
Dream Sculpting

Last weekend I attended a workshop hosted by my good friend Colleen Moore. The essence of the workshop was to come in with a dream and go out with the plan to reach your dream. She used a great PowerPoint with a very informal discussion. There was a delicious healthy lunch which fit well with my dream. She also provided the craft materials we needed to map out our plan.

I planned to put mine up in the utility room but decided it needed to be in the kitchen, front and center where I will be cheered on by it more often. This was an eye opening workshop. If you are able, you should try one. Ann M.

Thanks for The Dream Sculpting class on Saturday afternoon.  It was fun.  The small-group, interactive session helped me carefully review something I had wanted to do for over four years.  WOW!  Toward the end of the short time, I looked at my goal from a different viewpoint and my own individual plan began to pop out at me!  It is amazing that the same process helped us each form different plans with such diverse goals.  I like that your workshop style is so simple and individualized.  I loved the attention I felt I received to my questions.  I wholeheartedly recommend the next class to others who want to finally start to accomplish their own dream. Arlette D.


At the age of 63 I made the decision to stop smoking so that I can enjoy my retirement years that are fast approaching. I knew Colleen through my wife and have had experience with hypnosis in the past.  Her program consists of 4 sessions with the 3rd session being the Stop Smoking time.  She did an in depth interview, making me focus on why this is important to me, what it will mean to me.  I do meditation and have been hypnotized in the past and I am an "easy" patient, going under deep and fast. During the sessions she continually hit my "hot buttons" maybe through different paths but always ending up that by quitting the smokes I will have a longer and healthier retirement.  At the 3rd session, I smoked on the way to her office, put on a nicotine patch (which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!) had the session and for 2 months now, no cigarettes. The cravings are much less than any other time I have tried to quit and it seems as soon as I have a craving, my subconscious substitutes a happy retirement thought that pushes that craving out.

Do it now. The patches work on the physical addiction, the hypnosis positions your mind to accomplish the goal. Colleen will use what you tell her and feed your subconscious with the strongest path to being smoke free. Steve D.


I started my Hypnotherapy sessions with Colleen Moore in the winter of 2013, I wanted to stop smoking. I had never had any experiences with this before.

Colleen's knowledge and professionalism are outstanding. I had a total of four sessions with her and after every session I was able to refrain from smoking for a longer period. The sessions are very relaxing and the body and mind absorb a peacefulness that made me feel like I am going to be successful and have control over the ability to not smoke again. Tanya S.

RN Wellness Coach

Colleen is a kind and concerned person. She always takes exceptional care of her clients. She is concerned for their mental well being trying to help people think in the correct direction. I think she takes their cares and concerns to health and makes a wonderful coach. Teddi R. 

principled. She seems sure of her values, her beliefs, and her convictions. This is what makes her a great Wellness Coach. She has a true commitment to excellence. Susan W.


Colleen Moore stands for Compassion and caring for all of her clients. Colleen advocates for all those in her care. Cathy M.

Colleen Moore stands for steadfastness. In the storm she is the mooring others can cling to. Janet B.

I am so pleased with the professional coaching process which Colleen Moore used during my recent nursing career and education transition.  Colleen took great care to not only hear me, but also skillfully draw out my own heart desire and direction.  The results for me were natural and the process simple.  This process was the fresh breath which I needed to make a transition professionally and personally.  The time was well spent and a financial bargain.  I love the fact that her services are available in person and long distance.  I could not be happier with my decision to hire Colleen Moore as a professional coach during this time.  Kathe A.